My high-standards for girls back in the 3rd grade

Well, it’s the new year and it’s always good to look back and see where you can improve. I’m going to look back in my life in 1st grade. I honestly had very high-standards for girls who I wanted to be in a relationship with. I was honestly WAY more extroverted back then then now. I was a bold one! Anyway, found this paper of what characteristics I would want in my girlfriend. My hand writing and grammar back then sucked so it’s going to be slightly hard for me to translate but I’ll try.

1. Foxy look!

2. Betwitching! WHAT was I thinking?? I wouldn’t want that now.

3. Alluring! “dimples and brunette hair are the best!”

4. Brilliant! “a Ph.D. wouldn’t be bad as well!”

5. Funny! “Can’t tell bad jokes! I get enough of that from my guy friends who talk about immature things like farts.”

6.  Love sports! “Has to be a fan of the Wisconsin badgers.” I think that kind of cuts the list a bit.

7.  Being original!

8. Doesn’t wear a bunch of various types of perfume. “bonus points to her if she smells like food because that always allures me even more to something or someone.” You know actually, there should be a perfume or  cologne for what Subway smells like because that ALWAYS smells good.

9.  Active! “Just doesn’t spend all the time sitting like a couch potato watching tv.”

10. Has a BIG heart!

What a list I have to say!

So to the girls out there, if you have all of these characteristics, please tell me! I’m still trying to find my “perfect soul mate.” Just kidding!

Enjoy the new year!



Posted on January 1, 2015, in My Life and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. So you were in first grade and you knew what a Ph.D. was?


  2. Pretty smart 1st Grader… Love the Subway perfume idea…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. tolivewithallmymight

    I knew this would be hilarious when the list started out with “foxy look!”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ha! I love this 🙂 You were a very articulate first grader, who definitely knew what he wanted!!


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